
Flyer CTS Agrotransformation UA (v4).jpg

04 October 2023


Deadline for registration for CTS Agroprocessing

Interested participants will have until October 4th to send their applications.

21 September 2023

Martinique (Exploitation Angriyav'la)

Afternoon of experience-sharing

The Chamber of Agriculture and FREDON Martinique, the 2 partner institutions in the CambioNet project in Martinique, invite you to an afternoon of sharing experiences on the theme of "Making the most of APEBA's agroecological innovations, as part of the CambioNet project".

02 October 2023


11th Seminar for COMOP members

CambioNet partners,Public Policy makers, Farmers (amongst other actors involved in the project) will meet for workshops, meetings and field trip in Martinique from October 2nd to 6th 2023.

09 October 2023

Nassau, The Bahamas

Caribbean Week of Agriculture 2023

CWA 2023 "Accelerating vision 25 by 2025"

05 February 2021

Video conference

Second kick-off workshop

Following the icebreaker session on January 29th, the purpose of this workshop is to lay the necessary foundations for the smooth running of our project.

16 February 2022


Webinar 2 _ LIVING LABS: The Canadian Experience

In this webinar, Chris McPhee will describe both AAFC's conceptual work on living agroecosystem laboratories and his actual practical experience of implementing them.

04 March 2022


2nd meeting of the Operational Committee (COMOP)

The members of the COMOP met to discuss the state of progress of the project (budget revision in progress, work in progress and to come for the different WPs) and other current topics, related to the CambioNet project.

22 June 2022

Villa Chanteclerc (Martinique)

Ambition Caribbean Day _ Meeting of INTERREG project leader

As part of the JOLI MOIS DE L'EUROPE celebrations, the MTC is organising "AMBITION CARAÏBE", a day to discover the projects supported by INTERREG.

14 September 2022



On September 14th, the virtual event "One Region, One Commitment: Accelerating the Sustainability Revolution in Latin America and the Caribbean" will take place for the second year.

24 July 2022

Harbour Hotel (Saint-Lucia) + Online

First Seminar of Restitution of the CambioNet Project

Face-to-face meeting of the COMOP Members (Operationnal Committee) and ending with the 1st COPIL (Steering Committee).

26 January 2022


Webinar 1 _Living Labs: for whom, for what, with whom and with what?

This 1st Webinar, "Living Labs: for whom, for what, with whom and with what?", with an illustration of the Vitirêve project conducted in the New Aquitaine region in France, will be moderated by Dr Hubert de Rochambeau, Head of the Living Labs mission at INRAE. The session will take place on Wednesday 26 January from 10:00 to 12:00 (Guadeloupe time) with simultaneous translation into English and Spanish.

17 January 2022


Martinique _ 1st mission of the Localteam

Mission to meet with local partners of the project: the Chamber of Agriculture and FREDON Martinique

09 December 2021


1st (joint) COMOP + COSI

Agenda includes the financial aspects (budget revision), on the one hand, and the scientific and technical aspects (WPs), on the other hand. COSI members will participate in the exchange and we will make a restitution with recommendations at the end of the session.

09 June 2022


3rd Operationnal Comittee (COMOP) Meeting

The Localteam proposes the date of June 9th, 2022 for the next COMOP. More details will be communicated to you in the coming weeks on the current and future program (see below)

30 April 2021

Video conference

Fourth webinar on the operational launch

A webinar on the operational implementation of the project.

16 February 2023


COPIL #2 in Guadeloupe

Members of the project are invited meet and discuss technical as well as strategical aspects of the project. A meeting with the Management Authority, main source of funding of the project is also planned.

19 February 2022


First mission of the Localteam to French Guyana

The Localteam went to French Guyane to meet the 2 local partners of the project there, ADAG and GDI. It was also an opportunity to make field trips and meet with potential actors of the Living Lab of the Guyana Shield

08 May 2022

French Guyana

Second mission in French Guyana

To follow-up discussions and actions, the Localteam went back and meet with partners from GDI and ADAG for French Guyana, but also with our partners from AdeKUS (University of Suriname). This was also an occasion to do fields trips on the chosen site for the Living Lab in French Guyana.

20 March 2022


First mission to Dominica

The project leader went to Dominica, site of the Living Lab for the OECS-zone, to meet with partners, actors and visit potential sites.

05 February 2021

Video conference

Second kick-off workshop

Following the icebreaker session on January 29th, the purpose of this workshop is to lay the necessary foundations for the smooth running of our project.

26 March 2021

Vido conference

CambioNet launch

Financed by the European Funds of Regional Cooperation Interreg Caribbean V, a consortium "Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network" -CambioNet-, gathering the main organizations of R&D (Development and Research), extension-agricultural consulting of 10 countries was formed around INRAE Antilles-Guyane.
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