"Caraïbes Ambition"

Ambition Caribbean Day _ Meeting of INTERREG project leader

22 June 2022

Villa Chanteclerc (Martinique)

As part of the JOLI MOIS DE L'EUROPE celebrations, the MTC is organising "AMBITION CARAÏBE", a day to discover the projects supported by INTERREG.

Logo CTM+INTERREG+ Joli mois de l'Europe (Juin 2022)

As part of the lovely Europe Month, the External Relations Department (DRE) is organising a one-day meeting between project promoters and the MTC's elected representatives at the Villa CHANTECLERC on 22 June 2022 from 8.30am to 5pm. 

 8:30 - 9:00 Welcome of participants
9.00am - 9.15am Welcome from the PCE _ Presentation of the event
9h15 -9h45 Key figures from the INTERREG OP 2014-2020 + Presentation of the INTERREG OP 2021-2027 
9h40 - 11h30 Focus on "4" projects (15 min presentation + 15 min discussion)
9h45 - 10h15 TEECA and SCBC of the CCIM
10.15am - 10.45am ELAN from the RECTORAT
10h45 - 11h00 CARPII from the CTM
11.00am - 11.15am MTA CAVE'C
  The TEECA, SCBC and ELAN projects will each have 30 minutes for presentation and discussion with the public. You will face the audience and audio and digital equipment will be made available to you. These 30 minutes will be divided into 2 x 15 minutes (15 for presentation of your power point on your USB key, 15 for questions and answers).

 The CARPII and CAVE'C projects will each have 15 minutes for presentation and discussion with the audience. You will face the audience and audio and digital equipment will be made available to you.

 The CAP3, MYCONOVA, OSAIN, CAMBIONET, PREST, CARI'MAM, KAYNOU and CARIBSAN projects will have stands for two people, with the communication media of your choice. Your various display panels will be installed at the back of your stand.

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Cocktail lunch
14:15-17:00 Technical workshop                         
   In the afternoon, a technical workshop will be held to share best practices and advice. This will take the form of a friendly round table discussion between experienced project owners and future applicants.

Contact: contact-cambionet@groupes.renater.fr