Webinar #2 Living Labs

Webinar 2 _ LIVING LABS: The Canadian Experience

16 February 2022


In this webinar, Chris McPhee will describe both AAFC's conceptual work on living agroecosystem laboratories and his actual practical experience of implementing them.


 Dear colleagues,

I would like to invite you to attend a 2nd webinar. You will find the relevant information, hereafter. Could we ask that you let us know if you plan to attend (by answering the outlook request or by email please) ?

  • Title : Agroecosystem Living Labs : The Canadian Experience
  • Presenter : Chris McPhee
  • Abstract : Since 2018, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has been building a nationwide network of agroecosystem living labs to accelerate the adoption of beneficial management practices by Canadian farmers. In this webinar, Chris McPhee will describe both AAFC's conceptual work on agroecosystem living labs and its real-world practical experience implementing them.
  • Duration : 2 hours
  • Zoom : https://inrae-fr.zoom.us/j/96523298413?pwd=RzBjZ2dNRmphYjhDazBvTG9Kc0RGZz09

The session will be held Wednesday, February 16th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Guadeloupe time)

with simultaneous translation in English and Spanish.

Please log in 10 minutes before the start of the session.

Please share this information widely with your teams !!

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr