
CambioNet Project

Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network

Financed by the European Funds of Regional Cooperation Interreg Caribbean V, a consortium "Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network" -CambioNet-, gathering the main organizations of Research & Development, extension-agricultural consulting of 10 countries was formed around INRAE

The CambioNet project aims to provide concrete and innovative solutions to these challenges by supporting the bioeconomic modernization of small farms in their multi-functional dimension. This task force is committed to a common strategy to contribute to the objectives of sustainable development in the region.

Agriculture plays a major role in the stability and economic and social development of the countries and territories of the Amazon and Caribbean zone. Mainly made up of small farms representing more than 70% of the agricultural fabric, this sector must however face challenges that are at the heart of the major issues of the coming decades: ensuring food security, accompanying the ecological, climatic and energy transitions and preserving biodiversity.

Download the project presentation HERE