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Here, you will find press releases and other press related information about the CambioNet project

  • Press release of the project launch (Mar 2021)
  • Press release for the Steering Committee held in Guadeloupe (Feb 2023)
  • Press release of the seminar held in Martinique (Oct 2023)

In this folder

Financed by the European Regional Cooperation Funds Interreg Caribbean V, a consortium " Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network " -CambioNet-, gathering the main R&D, extension and agricultural advisory organisations of 10 countries has been formed around INRAE Antilles-Guyane. The launch of this project for the agro-ecological and bioeconomic transition and the agri-food and economic performance of the Caribbean/Amazonian Region will take place on Friday 26 March from 9:00 am.