

24 July 2022

Harbour Hotel (Saint-Lucia) + Online

First Seminar of Restitution of the CambioNet Project

Face-to-face meeting of the COMOP Members (Operationnal Committee) and ending with the 1st COPIL (Steering Committe).

09 June 2022


3rd Operationnal Comittee (COMOP) Meeting

The Localteam proposes the date of June 9th, 2022 for the next COMOP. More details will be communicated to you in the coming weeks on the current and future program (see below)

04 March 2022


2nd meeting of the Operational Committee (COMOP)

The members of the COMOP met to discuss the state of progress of the project (budget revision in progress, work in progress and to come for the different WPs) and other current topics, related to the CambioNet project.
First Face-to-face session

07 August 2023


First CambioNet seminar in Saint-Lucia _ July 2022

Members of the CambioNet project met for the first time in the face-to-face format, in Saint-Lucia in July 2022.

24 July 2022

Harbour Hotel (Saint-Lucia) + Online

First Seminar of Restitution of the CambioNet Project

Face-to-face meeting of the COMOP Members (Operationnal Committee) and ending with the 1st COPIL (Steering Committe).

26 March 2021

Vido conference

CambioNet launch

Financed by the European Funds of Regional Cooperation Interreg Caribbean V, a consortium "Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network" -CambioNet-, gathering the main organizations of R&D (Development and Research), extension-agricultural consulting of 10 countries was formed around INRAE Antilles-Guyane.

07 August 2023

By: Service communication

CambioNet : a project to build together a new agriculture in the Caribbean/Amazonia zone

Financed by the European Funds of Regional Cooperation Interreg Caribbean V, a consortium "Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network" -CambioNet-, gathering the main organizations of R&D (Development and Research), extension-agricultural consulting of 10 countries was formed around INRAE Antilles-Guyane. The launch of this project for the agro-ecological and bio-economic transition and the agri-food and economic performance of the Caribbean/Amazonian Region will take place on Friday, March 26 from 9:00 am.