CambioNet launch

CambioNet : a project to build together a new agriculture in the Caribbean/Amazonia zone

Financed by the European Funds of Regional Cooperation Interreg Caribbean V, a consortium "Caribbean and Amazonian Bioeconomic Network" -CambioNet-, gathering the main organizations of R&D (Development and Research), extension-agricultural consulting of 10 countries was formed around INRAE Antilles-Guyane. The launch of this project for the agro-ecological and bio-economic transition and the agri-food and economic performance of the Caribbean/Amazonian Region will take place on Friday, March 26 from 9:00 am.

The launch of the project will take place in the presence of representatives of the main political, economic and social institutions of the cooperation area, as well as representatives of research and extension organizations in the presence of local media, which will be cordially invited.

An ambition for the food security of these areas

CambioNet will focus in particular on :

  •     To pose a diagnosis on bio-resources and innovative techniques in agroecology, agro-processing and bioeconomy ;
  •     Develop innovative pilot systems via an inter-regional network of connected innovation platforms (Living Labs), and start-ups ;
  •     Establish an inter-regional network for dissemination and agricultural advice ;
  •     To make available a common digital library for the dissemination of knowledge, good practices, and training/learning modules etc. ;
  •     To provide public decision-makers with decision-making tools to strengthen the effectiveness of agricultural public policies adapted to the diversity of our regions.